Here you will find all the information you need regarding hall hire on Bruny.

You can also find information on hall hire on the Kingborough Council website - click here

Adventure Bay Hall

1 hour (day) $10 (min. 2 hours)
1 hour (night) $12 (min. 2 hours)
Half day $35 (5 hours)
Full day $60 (8am - 6pm)
Night $70 (6pm - Midnight)
Day and night $125
Use of stage light or sound system additional $20
each (hirer must contact technical assistant for
event). Community market $30
Prices are negotiable for longer term hire
For bookings please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0429 931 369

Lunawanna Hall

$50 deposit (refundable if hall left clean)
1 hour $10 (min. 2 hours)
Half day $30 (4 hours)
Full day $60 (9am - 6pm)
Evening $65 (6pm onwards)
Day and night $115
Stage lights or sound system additional $15 each
Prices negotiable for community/youth groups and
fundraising events.
For bookings please contact
Dave Conley 0409 534 068

Bruny Island CWA Old School House - North Bruny

Hire available for parties, dances, family gatherings
and meetings.
Half day: $30
Full day $50
For bookings please contact
Margaret Bartho 0429 772 989

Dennes Point Hall

$100 deposit (once you have contacted the hall)
1 hour $12
Daily Rate $75
Weekly rate $375
Cleaning deposit - $200 (for numbers over 30)
Function deposit - $200 (for numbers over 30)
Heating $4 per hour
For bookings please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit